Knowledge is Power!

Many education venues exist for the practice of classical homeopathy. The AACH provides articles, case studies, lectures, and other educational offerings that examine the unique discipline of clinical homeopathy.

Begin your journey of discovering a more than 200-year-old method of natural healing. It is our passion, fueled by that of our founder Dr. Luc Chaltin and our President/CEO Marge Roberts, that continues our drive to teach others about this amazing system of natural medicine. Here you will learn how to incorporate homeopathy into your life, business, or practice and can even earn your diploma in clinical homeopathy. Whether you are a natural healthcare practitioner, conventional healthcare provider, caregiver, mom, or health food store owner or associate, what you learn here will earn you invaluable insight into the wonderful world of homeopathy. We are eager to be a part of your adventure and with over 50 years of combined experience and expertise in clinical homeopathy research, use, and education we hope to be a continuing source of inspiration and learning.